Trading Platform

A sophisticated, real-time trading platform tailored for global operations. Designed to manage multiple accounts, counter market manipulations, and optimize trade execution, it represents a pivotal solution in the dynamic world of crypto trading.

During the 2022 crypto boom, our small firm experienced a significant influx of investors, presenting both unique opportunities and challenges. As the sole product owner, I was at the forefront, driving innovative solutions tailored to our rapidly changing trading environment.

Trading platform Figma.

Global Trade Monitoring

Problem :Traders, scattered globally, needed a real-time solution to monitor their trades. Additionally, the demand for more intricate trading functionalities, like off-market stop losses, was growing.

Action :To tackle this, I took a hands-on approach, diving into JavaScript, HTML, and exploring APIs to develop a foundational web application. This self-taught technical dive enabled the creation of a preliminary global dashboard, setting the stage for more advanced features.

Impact :The introduction of the global dashboard dramatically increased trader efficiency and reduced missed opportunities due to time-zone lags.

Figma goal's feature addition feed back.

The Multi-Account Vision

Problem 2:As our trading strategies evolved and became more successful, there was a need for a comprehensive tool. The vision was clear: a trading dashboard designed to seamlessly handle multiple accounts.

Action 2:To achieve this vision, I crafted a job advertisement, defined the role description, and personally handled the onboarding process. Post-recruitment, I provided our developer with a detailed requirements document, ensuring a clear roadmap for the dashboard's evolution.

Impact 3: The advanced system significantly reduced trade-related errors and enhanced our ability to execute complex trading strategies effectively.

Final product.

Countering Market Manipulation

Problem 3:In the world of large-scale trading, major traders often exploit arbitrage opportunities in volatile markets like cryptocurrency. This can drive the market toward specific orders, resulting in unintended stop-outs and reduced gains. For a firm like ours, executing sizeable trades, it was paramount to bypass these predatory market tactics.

Action 3:We embarked on designing a proprietary stop-loss system. This unique system not only tracked price movements autonomously but also featured advanced tools like off-the-books stop losses and trailing take profits. The latter would intuitively follow a trade into profit, ensuring gains were locked in and safeguarded from market manipulations.

Impact:Our large trades were now immune to market makers' tactics, allowing for more strategic trading and maximizing our profits. Furthermore, the enhanced simplicity and efficiency of the platform were a boon for our traders, ensuring our firm's continued dominance in the crypto trading sphere.


Navigating the the crypto boom presented a steep learning curve. Yet, by consistently identifying challenges, adapting, and innovating, we not only weathered the storm but also set new industry benchmarks. My journey as the sole product owner during this period underscored the importance of agility, continuous learning, and a user-centric approach. It's a testament to how targeted solutions, coupled with determination, can turn challenges into defining moments of growth and success in the world of product management.